UTC Worship

UTC Worship
by Jeba Singh Samuel

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Called as prophets and apostles (Ezekiel 37:7-10)

Good morning friends…
The read passage is a continuation of yesterday's text (Ezekiel 37:1-6) and hence we continue to reflect upon the dry bones… This text is a part of a popular text that speaks of the possibility in the midst of impossibilities. In other words, it instills hope in midst of hopelessness.


The author Ezekiel is born as a son of a priest, but functions more as a prophet in exile. To be a prophet among the captives is no easy task. However, he is a messenger of hope particularly during the exile. It is a time when the people of Judah lost their king and land. Moreover, they lost their trust in their god Yahweh who promised eternal kingdom to David's house. Worst of all they lost expectation. They had given up, they did not expect anything good to happen anymore. This is true in our context too, many have lost hope and do not expect anything good to happen anymore. Will the terrorism in our nation and the world cease? Johnathan Bernis, President of Jewish Voice Ministries, with all pessimism raises the question, Is peace possible? Will our nation be free of the evils of the caste system? Dowry? And other social evils? How shall we respond to the people affected with AIDS and other terminal illness?
Humanly speaking, we are clueless and hopeless. However, it is at this juncture that people need someone, whom they can believe in to instill that expectation and hope in their hopeless situation.
On the other hand, it is in such a time as these that we have received the call to be agents to give hope and ignite transformation.
Dry bones and the symbolic vision highlight such a hopeless situation, where the future is not just bleak but extinct. However, the prophet being an exile was in a better position to proclaim the message of hope.

Being with the people in crisis

Ezekiel notes the phrase in midst of them or 'among' about 116 times. His position as one of them gave his message of future restoration and resurrection of the life of the nation a better reception.
Christian public witness is more effective by identifying with the people and creation in crisis than by great contemplation in isolation. Identifying with the people is significant.

Secondly, Proclaiming divine message whether it makes sense or not.

The task of the prophet remains to just proclaim the message of hope. The word so in v 7 indicates that the words of prophecy came not because of the prophet’s confidence but the assurance from the Lord to do it.
The prophet is likewise commanded in v.9 to prophecy to the breath and wind which eventually makes the corpses alive. Let us speak the words of hope into the lives of people without hope and intercede that God would bring them to life.
Obedience to the call and message received is a necessity to instill hope and transformation. In the Genesis account, God spoke and creation took place; he breathed life into human being. Now God speaks through the prophet and things happen. When we identify with the people and proclaim the words of hope, …

…then we can witness the wonders in life…

God speaks and performs, all that is expected of us as prophets is to proclaim it faithfully and witness the works of the Lord. We are only privileged partners with God in his business. As prophets, we may witness the fulfillment of the message only in visions; the reality may be sooner or later. The prophet may pass away but the words of prophecy will be fulfilled in due time.
Friends, you and I are called as prophets and apostles of Jesus Christ to be with the broken and shattered people to proclaim the good news of hope and a better future.

As we continue to reflect shall we sing the hymn…I am thine, oh Lord…

 Wilson Cherian

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